A Server Planning Guide for the Small Business

March 7, 2019

Setting up physical servers at your business premises can be a bit of an intimidating task, especially if you’re more used to using cloud-based servers online. However, there are still plenty of advantages that come with having some local physical servers. It’s just important to make sure you’ve properly planned out your server setup in MT.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when working with a company offering managed IT services in MT to plan out and install your new server grid.

Make use of rack-mount equipment

Many small businesses start up their server operation by stacking hardware and other appliances on top of a shelf or desk. While this is inexpensive and likely more convenient based on what you currently have available in your workplace, this will quickly become an unsustainable and unmanageable layout. Keep in mind that equipment exposed in such a manner is also significantly more vulnerable to accidents and physical tampering.

It’s worthwhile to invest in rack-mount equipment instead. This equipment has been designed to safely house your server hardware. While it does have a higher price tag, it’s built to last and it’s worth it to know all your equipment is safe, secure and well organized.

Noise reduction through server isolation

If you don’t have the luxury of a dedicated server room, the noise that’s created by the operation of the servers can quickly become a nuisance for people in your office space. Therefore, if you do not have a room available specifically for your servers, you should at least do what you can to isolate them as much as possible from work stations. Put them in the corner of a room, and use racks that have sound-dampening properties. You’ll never be able to completely soundproof your servers due to their air vents, but there are at least some rack options that will help you cut down on noise they produce.

Do what you can to mitigate heat creation

Servers create heat while they’re running, and the more you have packed into an area, the more heat they’ll create. High temperatures can significantly shorten the lifespan of equipment and result in crashes and outages. For this reason, it’s important to get an AC unit or two to help you keep the server area as cool as possible. This should be a separate unit not tied into the central air unit in the building. If you have a server-dedicated room, installing two standalone units in the room on separate circuit breakers is a good idea to help manage temperature.

You can also better control temperatures in your server area by engaging in proper cable management, which helps to ensure better ventilation. You don’t want to cram as many servers as possible into a full-height rack, either—give them a little space to breathe so they’re not transmitting their heat directly to each other.

For more tips about planning your server setup, contact Tech Service Company to discuss your options for managed IT services in MT.

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