Author Archives for admin


VOIP vs. Traditional Phone Lines for Your Office

January 4, 2019 3:27 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Small business phone systems generally use either traditional land lines or voice-over IP (VOIP) for their telecommunications. Land lines are, of course, very familiar technology, even as they start to be phased out in many residential and commercial settings. VOIP is a newer technology that uses the internet to transmit your voice as data, compared to land lines, which use traditional copper wires. So, which is the better option for your business? There are a variety of advantages and disadvantages associated with both. Let’s take a look at some of the factors you should consider when looking at phone system... View Article

office network support

Major Updates Coming in 2019 for Office Networking

January 2, 2019 3:18 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

There’s big news for office networking in 2019: Microsoft will be releasing brand new versions of Windows 10 on a set schedule throughout the year, and will also be retiring older versions of Windows from support. While businesses and other consumers are capable of ignoring schedules for upgrades as they wish, it is a better idea for all IT personnel at companies across the globe to mark their calendar with some of the biggest upcoming dates. Staying up to date with these upgrades is important—there have been some significant changes to the operating system since it was released more than... View Article

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